For 8 days, immerse your entire being in the secluded sanctuary of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Northern Minnesota.
We invite you to join us and the good green earth in an intimate and nourishing experience that honors reciprocity, expansion, and exploration. Together we bask in the sun, sleep under the stars, canoe through sacred waters, commune with the woods, breathe fresh air, move the body, and honor one another in community.
These fully outfitted, guided canoe trips are designed for novice up to advanced adventurers – no experience is necessary.
The Boundary Waters is one of the most remote and expansive areas of protected wilderness in the United States – accessible only by canoe. It is a place that strips one down to only what they are able to carry on their backs and in their hearts – it is absolutely a space of remembering. The land is a living, breathing, expressive, interconnected energy that has the potential to show us more about who and what we truly are than could be imagined.
Being with Nature in this way invites a peacefulness into the core of one’s being – giving an altered, expansive outlook on life. Former journeyers return more centered and grounded in their fullness, with a deeper understanding of what it means to live from the center.
+ Schedule a complimentary call
Space is limited to 4 participants per trip. To be eligible to sign up set up a wilderness introductory call above. Please thoroughly read through our program – these journey’s require a level of grit!
Greetings beloved journeyer!
My guiding is founded upon integration, reciprocity, love, grit, safety, and courageous exploration. It is my greatest joy to venture into the woods in community and cultivate an experience that honors the most true space within. Another great joy is to foster self-sufficiency, confidence, curiosity, and reciprocity in wild spaces.
For the last twenty years, I have been journeying in the BWCAW. It has been a space of deep remembering and connection that has been passed lovingly through my family. It is an honor to share this legacy with you. My relationship with Nature was supported early by my grandparents, parents, and a whole community of wise, wild women who have served as my elders. The practices and tools I rely upon have evolved from their teachings and my direct relationship with Nature. For 10 years, I worked with young women as a wilderness guide and in the last three years have hosted guided journeys in the BWCAW – this is a living prayer and a true honor to be embarking on this trip with you.
I dedicate this work to my family, my elders, the freedom of all beings, and the good green earth, whom I love so dearly.
Blessing on your journey, trailblazer. See you in the woods!
In joyful exploration,
We will be joined by our dear four legged guardian, Abby the black lab. As a lover of tennis balls, Nature, canoes, alone time, and exploration – Abby is an impeccable co-guide. Abby and I have been guiding trips together for the last three years. Abby takes her job very seriously, remaining a quiet and strong presence throughout our time while consistently offering space and support. She is very good at keeping unwanted visitors away and does her part in keeping us safe. We are so blessed with her wise and healing presence!
All meals and snacks – completely organic + vegan.
Basic wilderness survival skill education
Canoe lessons before the trip
Communal ceremony + activities
Daily meditation, yoga, and discourse sessions
Experiential wellness weaved into the journey – nutrition, movement, restoration, sleep, community
Forestry permits and costs
Full guiding (cooking, packing, navigation, support, instruction, etc.)
Full outfitting (canoe, paddles, life jackets, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, tent, backpacks, camp chairs, cooking supplies, hammocks, water filters, etc.)
Lodging, dinner, and sauna in Ely, MN the night before we embark on our journey
Personal journal + journal sessions
Personal waterproof 18L dry sack for you to keep
Plant herbs and medicine cultivated specifically to support your immersion into and interaction with the BWCAW
Support in preparation for travel, gear, etc.
Much more!
Transportation to and from your home base to the BWCAW
Personal supplies (clothing, toiletries, reading material) *What you bring in, you will be responsible to carry in and out. We will provide a recommended list of personal supplies.
Below you can find how each of the 8 days will play out.
Arrive in Ely, MN early afternoon. Explore the town, group yoga, dinner, sauna. Rest overnight at Paddle Inn.
Early breakfast, early departure (a little before sunrise) to entry point – travel to first campsite. The first day we travel the furthest, to get away. Lunch on the move. Arrival at campsite, set up camp, yoga and meditation, rest time, prepare dinner, first ceremonial fire.
Light travel day. Early rise, breakfast, meditation. Travel to second campsite – generally, for most trips this will be our home base for a few days. Lunch on the go. Arrival at campsite, set up camp, rest, yoga, journaling, dinner, campfire, group activity.
Rest day – day of silence. Sleep in, free day. Day of silence ends at sundown followed by ceremonial fire and discourse.
Day trip – always an adventure! On some journeys this means to a waterfall, others to see pictographs, or to see a vista – usually a special secret spot. Sleep in, depart late morning. Lunch, journaling, meditation, and rest at destination. Leisurely travel back to campsite, rest, yoga, dinner, campfire, group activity.
Rest day, group activity. Sleep in, free day. Extended yoga, journaling, and meditation sessions.
Travel day. Early rise, breakfast, meditation. Travel to final campsite – lunch on the go. Arrival at campsite, set up camp, rest, yoga, journaling, dinner, final ceremonial fire.
Late start, grounding meditative and yoga practice. Head slowly back to entry point – closing circle. Travel safely home and begin reintegration.
We will be nourishing our bodies with organic, plant-based foods and herbs intended to support each member in connecting deeper with the world around you and within you.
One of my favorite ways to share love is through food – especially food cooked over an open campfire! Traveling in this way does require us to use specific kinds of foods that will be conducive to our circumstances – foods that can be well preserved, kept for a long period of time without refrigeration, are light, easy to eat on the go, and nothing in a can or glass bottle will be what we bring along. Past journeyers have shared that the food was a highlight of the trip. You will be well nourished, we have great fun with this!
We will absolutely accommodate food sensitivities and allergies.
A component of this journey is physical, and can be physically challenging for some. This does not mean that this trip is only for those who have experience in the outdoors – it. is. for. everyone.
Each trip is constructed to support the physical intentions of the group and the individual. Being so remote, the environment of the Boundary Waters requires a new level of engagement with the natural world, which sometimes can look like traveling or canoeing for longer periods of time. Essentially, if you’re looking for a plushy retreat, this may not be the trip for you. There will absolutely be time for rest in a cozy hammock in the arms of mother nature overlooking a pristine body of water. If this sounds interesting to you, you’re ready to join us. All you need is a calling.
Roughly, each day we will travel 3-7 miles by canoe and by foot. When we reach a portage (a trail connecting lakes) we will carry our gear to the next lake. On the routes we journey on, portage length ranges from 1/2 mile to 20 feet. You will sleep in tents. Some days we rise, early – other days we sleep in. We practice restorative yoga daily. Typically, there are one to two rest days in each journey.
There are many entry point locations to access the boundary waters – we go through Ely, Minnesota which is about 4 hours north of Minneapolis. This space is off the grid – there are designated campsites, we travel and orient with a map, cell phone service and electricity are not available, there are minimal people, and no access to a flushable toilet or shower. Most of the time we cook our food over a fire, sleep in tents, travel by foot and canoe, filter lake water to drink, bathe with lake water (away from the lake), and used designated latrines.
The conditions may stretch you – all of this is a part of the process in stripping away – the invitation is to move past the discomfort that may arise being in a space without modern conveniences and fully immerse oneself in the unique opportunity that exists in this space: to be interconnected with nature in a truly intimate way.
Being in the woods presents opportunities to see wildlife, of all kinds – including bear and moose. Although rare, I will make sure to support you with enough information beforehand in case of an encounter. We will be accompanied by our very trusty and loving canoe dog and animal guardian, Abby, who is very good at keeping unwanted visitors away.
It remains a mystery what kind of weather we are to expect – this is part of the fun. What could be expected are sun, rain, wind, hail, thunderstorms, clouds. One of the most beautiful parts of our journey is surrendering to the present moment, a thunder storm or a windy day holds great opportunity to rest with what is and explore our relationship to changes in weather.
We function under the guise that the weather is the weather – it is not good nor bad – it is our relationship to what is happening that creates preferences and limitations. All weather is a gift and divinely delivered. At the same time as your guide, my priority is to act in consideration of safety during all weather occurrences.
The trips are intentionally set Saturday to Saturday or Friday to Friday. In many journeys, the most important part is not the trip, but the preparation before and integration afterwards. Please make sure you have ample time to rest and prepare both before and after the trip. I highly suggest to set aside time to be outside in the days, weeks, and months preceding and following our journey together. To foster a holistic experience, included in our journey curriculum is in depth pre and post trip support.
In my 20 years of time spent in the boundary waters and the last 10 years as a wilderness instructor – working with all ages, backgrounds, and varying levels of experience – I have never had or witnessed a medical emergency. Accidents and injury, although rare – can occur and therefore safety is our number one priority for various reasons. My responsibility is to ensure your safety and care as each one of you rest into this beautiful experience – emotionally, spiritually, and physically. With this in mind, in addition to experience I have received education and certifications in wilderness first aid, wilderness first responder, lifeguarding, and paddle sports. As a member of the group, it is important to keep in mind the remoteness of this experience in everything that we take part in. The invitation is for all to be free, playful, and adventurous while remaining aware of the environment and circumstances we find ourselves in.
NO!!! You do not need to have prior camping experience, all you need is a calling to join us. I have hosted complete beginners all the way to advanced campers of all ages and backgrounds on our journeys – there is something for everyone. In the end, we each approach every new journey together as a beginner.
Personal items: clothing, shoes, toiletries, and reading material. Upon joining a journey you will receive a welcome handbook with all the information you need, including a detailed packing list. In addition, Julia will check in with each member at various times prior to the trip to ensure each person is prepared equipment wise.
Yes, you will share a spacious tent home with one or two fellow journeyers.
No, the BWCAW is electricity and cell phone service free. Julia carries a satellite phone on her in case of emergencies.
We gather drinking water from the pure lakes that we venture through. Water is filtered through a gravity filtration equipment.
Each group is carefully and intentionally crafted to support a potent, expansive journey together.
If interested, please schedule a 30 minute introductory call with Julia. Once you have determined this is the journey for you, an intake will be sent and deposit collected.
Our journeys generally fill within 24 hours of trip announcement – to stay up to date please sign up for our emails and join our waitlist. Waitlist members are the first to know.
SIGN UPOur journeys require immense care and planning, are limited to a small number of participants, and tailored to each individual as well as the group. To allow for a more personable, intimate experience, our cancellation policy is in place to support the cultivation of each trip.
For cancellations 90+ days prior to the start date of your trip: 100% of the remaining balance (not including the initial deposit) will be refunded.
For cancellations between 60-89 days prior to the start date of your trip: 75% of the remaining balance (not including the initial deposit) will be refunded.
For cancellations between 45-59 days prior to the start date of your trip: 50% of the remaining balance (not including the initial deposit) will be refunded.
No refund if cancellation occurs 45 days before the trip start date.
Failure to pay in full for a journey by the deadline will result in the cancellation of your registration, and retention of all monies paid.
No one books a journey with the intention of canceling it, but unexpected events do occur. Please consider purchasing travel insurance. Exceptions cannot be made for any reason, including weather, injury/illness, or personal emergencies. No refunds or credits for failure to attend or failure to complete the journey, or for arriving late. We reserve the right to cancel trips, in which case all money paid to Full + Nourished, LLC will be refunded. Notification of cancellation will occur at least 1 month prior to trip start date. Full + Nourished, LLC journeys cannot be held responsible for any personal expenses, such as airline tickets due to changes in itineraries or retreat cancellations.